Sonica presents a diverse range of contemporary UK sound, music and digital arts in Lublin for Different Sounds Festival. 

Night Voyager // Ela Orleans 

Cryptic Artist Ela Orleans performs her mesmerising Night Voyager.  Set to soaring music featuring live synthesiser, theremin, vocals and violin, Night Voyager features NASA archive footage of the 1969 Apollo moon mission, matching the astronauts’ emotional journey with fragments of Night Thoughts a collection of extended poetic mediations written by Edward Young in 1742.. Rather than a linear re-telling, Orleans performance focuses on the wider meaning of the lunar trip and Young’s exploration of mortality, time and human folly. Although now scarcely remembered, Night Thoughts was called in its time ‘the grandest and richest poetry that human genius has ever produced’.

Dopey Monkey

Dopey Monkey, the Scottish duo of Martin Lee Thomson (Euphonium) and Danielle Price (Tuba), presents a new pop-up music work with Polish musicians in Lublin. Following collaborative workshops in 2024, they have created a unique performance blending musical genres, inspired by folklore, nature and storytelling. Featuring the sounds of Tenor and Soprano Saxophone alongside vocals.

At Different Sounds Festival, they will stage immersive pop-up performances across Lublin. Unlike traditional street performances, the group carries a portable venue, inspired by places of respite like bothies (Not sure what a bothie is? Find out here.) and chapels. Audiences are invited to pause, step inside and experience rich soundscapes in an intimate setting. Musicians will be positioned throughout the space, offering shifting perspectives and close-up engagement with their instruments.

Sing the Gloaming // Rob St. John, Simon Kirby and Tommy Perman

Outdoor sound installation Sing the Gloaming is a project on light, language and landscape, created by professor Simon Kirby and artists/musicians Tommy Perman and Rob St. John. Progressing through the installation, audiences hear the word “ghlei,” the ancient root of modern words for ‘light’. Featuring some of Scotland’s most renowned vocalists – Aidan Moffat, Emily Scott, SHHE, Hanna Tuuliki and Andrew Wasylyk.

An immersive and family-friendly work encouraging audiences to explore at their own pace.