Time passes. Time moulds us. Time heals us, supposedly. It is the one reliable truth and pulse that we refer to while trying to unify our experiences, but what happens when that truth collapses in on itself, creating an alternate consciousness where time breaks, loops, becomes malleable or suspended? 

I Was In the Tide, The Tide Was In Me is an audiovisual work by artists Ghada Eissa and Nik Rawlings that explores experiences of temporal dissonance and episodic, fluid experiences of time from the perspective of internal narratives of bipolar disorder, memory, (dis)continuity and neurodiversity, where the experience of oneself no longer fits into common-time.

Steeped in symbolism, the clusters of interchanging motifs represent the different forms that illustrate the time warps experienced through each individual’s different non-linear nuances of bipolar disorder. The mania, the lows, the transitional in-betweens, medication trials and the ongoing process of healing, each have their own stand-alone narrative of time.

B’sarya for Arts is an art space in Alexandria, Egypt that aims to contribute to the development of artists and the art scene in the disciplines of music and visual arts, through holding visual arts exhibitions, organising concerts in partner venues, hosting residencies, supporting the local artistic communities.